DX contact achievement by QRP

( April 14, 2000 )
( Final renewal Oct 30, 2001 )

I started the "QRP" contact from 1988. If applied from 1988 in 1992, it is the influence of a cycle 22, and "QRP"DX contact has been attained easily.

The past several years, condition was downed and QRPDX contact became impossible like former .

I introduce DX of how much is produced with QRP. The table of under is the listing that was able to make a contact with QRP of output from 2 to 3W.

"QRP"DX Contact list

(The numbers of contacts as of April 14, 2000 are 472 stations)

Country(Prifix) Number of
Country(Prifix) Number of
Country(Prifix) Number of
AP(Pakistan) 1 LU(Argentina) 8 V73(Marshall) 4
A35(Tonga) 1 LX(Luxembourg) 2 V85(Brunei) 3
AL(Alaska) 1 LZ(Bulgaria) 4 W(America) 31
BV(Taiwan) 13 OE(Austria) 5 XU(Cambodia) 5
BY(China) 28 OH(Finland) 14 XW(Laos) 1
CE(Chile) 3 OK(Czecho) 3 XX9(Macao) 2
CT(Madeira Is) 1 ON(Belgium) 2 YC(Indonesia) 10
CX(Uruguay) 2 OZ(Denmark) 2 YJ(Banattsu Is) 2
DU(Philippines) 13 PA(Netherlands) 5 YO(Rumania) 3
DL(Germany) 12 PT(Brazil) 4 YU(Yugoslavia) 7
EA(Spain) 6 P29(Papua New Guinea) 2 ZL(New Zealand) 7
EA8(Cana Lee Is) 1 SM(Sweden) 5 ZP(Paraguay) 4
EA9(Tutor) 2 SP(Poland) 7 ZS(South Africa) 1
F(France) 10 SV(Greece) 3 Z31(Macedonia) 1
FK(New Caledonia) 2 S21(Bangs radish) 2 3D(Fiji) 2
FO(Polynesia) 5 S59(Slovenia) 2 3W(Vietnam) 1
FT(Antarctica) 1 T30(West Kiribati) 2 3X(Guinea ) 1
G(England) 8 T32(Christmas Is) 2 4S(Sri Lanka) 1
GW(Wells) 4 TA(Turkey) 2 4X(Israel) 1
HA(Hungary) 4 T77(San Marino) 1 5B(Cyprus) 2
HB(Switzerland) 5 T88(Parau) 1 5W(Western Samoa) 2
HC8(Garapagosu Is) 1 T95(Bosnia) 1 5Z(Kenya) 1
HC6(Ecuador) 1 ES(Estonia) 4 6W(Senegal) 1
HL(Korea) 11 YL(Latvia) 1 7Q(Malawi) 1
HS(Thailand) 5 LY(Lithuania) 3 9A(Croatia) 1
H44(Solomon Is) 2 UA(Russia) 27 9J(Zambia) 1
I(Italy) 14 VE(Canada) 5 9K2(Kuwait) 2
JT(Mongolia) 8 VK(Australia) 21 9M2(West Malaysia) 3
KH2(Gum island) 7 VK9(Cocos Is) 3 9M6(East Malaysia) 4
KH6(Hawaii) 8 VI9(Christmas Is) 1 9M0(Supura tree Is) 1
AH8(American Samoa) 1 VS(Hong Kong) 5 9V(Singapore) 3
KH(Saipan) 10 VU(India) 4 . .
LA(Norway) 4 V63(Micronesia) 14 Total 472

Total 472 Contact

It is Excel about the details of the upper table. Excel(95).Ver7 It is editing. It will see, if you are interested about this.

  • DX contact list (Excel file size 91kB)

  • The QSL card sent from DX station

    The photograph of a QSL card jpg 10kb

    Did you see these and how did you feel? These contacts are possible or must have thought that they were impossible.

    The person who thought was impossible is infected with the high power disease. The person who thought was impossible should experience QRP.

    If condition is good, it will arrive to a long distance satisfactory also in QRP. If the power down of the transceiver which you use can be carried out, try at once. You will surely be surprised at the result.

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